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Your Friendly Neighborhood PC Guy

Greetings! I'm Rick Seelhoff, the man behind the community help-desk. With over thirty years of experience in computer repair, technical support and customer service I have the skills and experience to get you and your computers up to speed and in the pink. What sets my service apart from others is this: I come to you.

In a majority of cases it is far more desirable to fix a computer where it sits that it is to unhook everything and drop it off at a shop. And in many cases, troubleshooting networks for instance, it simply must be done onsite at the customer location.

Customer education is a central part of my approach. The way I see it, my job is to equip you with the necessary knowledge and tools that will enable you to use your computer effectively, efficiently, and enjoyably.

Whether it's an operating system tuneup, hardware upgrade, a short course, or simple and straightforward advice, I'll be there for you.